About RRPC - Frequently Asked Questions
The club is located near Charlottesville Virginia in southern Albemarle County about 4 miles south of I-64 (Exit 120) at 1570 Old Lynchburg Road Route 631, (5th Street extension).
Mailing address is P.O. Box 7883, Charlottesville, VA 22906. (Do not use street address for USPS mail.)
Founded January 13, 1950, The Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club is a private, 100-acre shooting facility organized and maintained by member volunteers. Facilities consist of a spacious clubhouse with indoor Pistol/Small–bore Rifle Range and multiple outdoor ranges. Upper outdoor ranges include a Skeet Field, a Trap Field, and a Wobble Field. Lower outdoor ranges include a 300–yard Rifle Range, a Steel-plate Range, a Plinking Range, covered firing–line Pistol and Rifle Ranges, and a AP&T Range. To view MAP of RRPC, click HERE.
We are dedicated to educating, encouraging, and promoting the proper and safe use of firearms, hunting and conservation, in a friendly, social environment.
More information about RRPC can be found in the Club Newsletter SIGHTS AND ACTION including current events.
Anyone may contact the club HERE. Please read the FAQ answers below first before submitting an inquiry.
Members may login and contact Officers and Activity Chairmen HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions
I would like to join RRPC - What do I need to do ?
I'm not a Member - can I come shoot at the range?
Who do I contact about the RRPC ORIENTATION class?
Who do I contact about my new member WORK requirement?
How do I change my member email address, home address, phone number etc. in the club database?
How do I complete the initial login or change my password?
How do I pay dues on-line or by mail?
I would like to make a donation to RRPC. How do I do this?
I've lost my Fob or my FOB is not working. How do I get a new one?
I am moving away from the area. What do I need to do to resign?
Does the RRPC have beginner classes for new shooters?
Is RRPC affiliated with the CMP for Member benefits?
There is a broken plate at the Steel Range. What should I do?
I see a typo, error, or have an upgrade suggestion on the website. Who do I contact?
I would like to join RRPC - What do I need to do ?
The first step to join RRPC is to complete the on-line application shown on the Membership Application Page.
Annual dues to the club are currently $140/year. When you apply there are also 2 one-time fees: a $100 application fee & a FOB fee of $12.
You can then attend a club meeting held on the second Thursday of each month to be introduced to the club members.
A government photo ID, and proof of legal ability to possess firearms (see application page) must be shown to the membership team at either your first or second Membership meeting.
You can then attend the orientation session and complete the work requirement (or buy-out). Go to the CONTACT US page to send a message to the Orientation or Work committees.
The final step after completing the on-line application, orientation, and the work requirement is being voted into the club by a quorum of voting members at your second member meeting on a second Thursday of the month.
You do not need to join any other organization in order to join RRPC. However, most of our members are also members of the National Rifle Association, America's oldest and largest gun rights organization. In addition, many members of RRPC are also members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, which advocates for the Second Amendment within the state. Many members also belong to Gun Owners of America, whose motto is the "No compromise gun lobby".
I'm not a Member - can I come shoot at the range?
You must be a member OR the guest of a member to come shoot at RRPC except for scheduled events open to the public listed on the calendar. Contact the Activity Directors for more information. The member or event director is responsible for your safety and for your knowing and following the club rules.
Rivanna Rifle & Pistol Club is a private club range and does not operate in a commercial capacity. We do not have firearm rentals or range time for rent to the public. You are welcome to become a member if interested.
RRPC does not currently have scheduled tours but you are invited to attend the second Thursday new member meeting and talk to the members if you are still deciding whether to join.
Who do I contact about the RRPC Orientation Class or my New Member work requirement?
Go to the CONTACT US page to send a message to the Orientation or Work committees.
How do I change my member email address, home address, phone number etc. in the club database?
RRPC is a self-help club. This means that our members are expected to help with the operation of the club since we have no paid employees. Each member is responsible for keeping their email and street address up to date by following this procedure:
After logging on, go the right hand top of the web page and click "View Profile", then click "Edit Profile". You can then change profile details as required. Complete information on the procedure can be found HERE.
How do I complete my initial login OR change my password?
For instructions on setting password and initial login, read this.
How do I pay dues on-line or by mail?
To pay dues on-line, login then click the "View Profile " button at top of webpage, and then click the "Renew " button on the right side of the membership details section.
To pay dues by mail, send a check for the annual dues with members name to the mailing address at
P.O. Box 7883 Charlottesville, VA 22906. (Do not send to the street address).
I would like to make a donation to RRPC. How do I do this?
Go to the donation page HERE and you can contribute by credit card to the club or you can mail a check marked donation to RRPC at P.O. Box 7883, Charlottesville, VA 22906
I've lost my FOB or my FOB is not working. How do I get a new one?
Use the Contact US form and request a new one be issued for a replacement fee.
I am moving away from the area. What do I need to do to resign?
All that is required is notice using the Contact Us form. This will allow you to rejoin without again paying the application fee if you ever return to this area. You may drop your FOB off at the club or mail to the mailing address above.
You might also consider converting to a non-resident member if you will move more than 75 miles away. This will significantly reduce your dues and still allow you to shoot here if you visit. Contact RRPC with your new address, phone number and email.
Does the RRPC have beginner classes for new shooters?
A First Steps Pistol class is held on the last Thursday of the month LINK. For information on this class contact Jerry Pownall at jdpownall@proton.me. You must reserve a place in this class.
Is RRPC affiliated with the CMP for Member benefits?
RRPC is an affiliated member of the CMP. The RRPC CMP club number is 26098.
There is a broken plate at the steel Range. What should I do?
This happens all the time. Gather the broken pieces and put them on the table. Contact Buildingsgrounds or send an email to buildingsgrounds@rrpc.org. Someone from the Buildings and Grounds Committee will install a new or rewelded plate, and a club member will repair the broken plate.
I see a typo, error, or have an upgrade suggestion on the website. Who do I contact?
Contact Webmaster@RRPC.org with your comments, feedback, and upgrade suggestions.