Click here for the BYLAWS of RRPC
Bylaws are the rules and regulations of the club adopted by RRPC to provide a framework for its operation and management. These Bylaws are followed by the Board Of Directors. They can be revised by having a Voting Member submit a Revision for adoption at the annual November Membership meeting following the procedure outlined in the body of the Bylaws.
November 2023 Bylaw amendment
Proposal 1 Removal of requirement for NRA membership from the Bylaws PASSED: 49-Yes, 21-No
Proposal 2 Change verbiage of Bylaw 4.4 Attendance PASSED: 64-Yes, 5-No
Range Rules - For a printable PDF copy of the complete Range Rules click HERE
Rules and Policies - passed at Board of Directors meetings
RRPC Firearm Handling Safety Policy
Lower Ranges
Ranges include: Action Pistol and Tactical, All Rifle Ranges, Pistol Range, Steel Range, and Plinking Range.
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when brought to the firing line or rack of the desired range.
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when being transported to another range on the Lower Range portion of RRPC.
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when being transported back to the owner's vehicle.
Indoor Range
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when brought into the Club House.
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when brought to the firing line.
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when brought from the firing line to the back portion of the indoor range.
- All firearms must be Cased/Holstered when brought from the Club House to the owner's vehicle.
· Any Board-Approved Organized event may waive this policy based on discretion of their event Safety Officers.
· Once the event has concluded, the standard safety policy will be in effect.
Club Members May Not Earn Money from Individuals on Club Property
RRPC members may not personally profit from any activity that takes place on RRPC property, to include any shooting activity, meeting, social activity, or training class.
RRPC members may be reimbursed for expenses that they incur pursuant to Board-approved club-sponsored activities, including shooting activities, meetings, social activities, and training classes. RRPC members, their employees, or their employers may be engaged by the Board of Directors in a professional capacity to maintain or enhance club facilities. RRPC members may engage external for-profit contractors to conduct training or other shooting-related activities at RRPC, subject to approval in advance by the Board of Directors.
Use of 5.7x28 prohibited on the Indoor and Steel Target Ranges
This will be added to the both range rules to reduce damage to the steel.
New Member Membership Meeting Time Change Starting March 2018
The New member Membership meeting will move to 7:00 PM with the new member check-in
moving to 6:00 EFFECTIVE MARCH 2018
Voting Membership Initiation Fees
The BOD voted to set the new voting member initiation fee to be the same as the current dues.
Slide Fire Stocks and Binary Triggers
The Board has directed that the Range/Safety rules (Handling Firearms) be amended to restrict the use of "Slide fire stocks or Binary triggers". Binary triggers may only be used on the the Plinking & Indoor Ranges (Caliber appropriate).
Firearms with bump-fire stocks may NOT be used at RRPC until approved by Board.
Ammunition in Classrooms while Handling Firearms
The Board passed a resolution that ammunition is not allowed in classrooms where firearms are being handed.
This includes loaded personal protection handguns.
The BOD also specified (November 2017) that there should a clearly marked passageway from the front door to the restrooms and to the Indoor Pistol range for members with ammunition. No ammunition is permitted to cross into the separated classroom area including ammunition loaded in personal protection handguns.
Fully Automatic (Class 3) Firearms
To shoot your machine guns at the Club, you MUST be certified by the Class 3 Committee.
Contact the Class 3 Committee for more details or to obtain this certification.