It has come to my attention that some members and associates at RRPC think that because of the lower range modernization project some rules have changed. This is NOT the case. The 100-yard rifle range rules have not changed either because of the new walls or the new benches.
The fixed target holders at 25, 50 and 100 yards on the left side of the range are to be fired at ONLY from the benches directly in front of the target holders. The fixed target holders are to be fired at ONLY from the bench position, NO prone or standing shooting.
The rest of the 100-yard rifle range remains a 100-yard rifle range {except as noted below in another post, with the addition of new 50 yard and 100 yard frames}. You may use paper or cardboard targets on your own holder or you may fire at caliber-appropriate, downward deflecting, commercially made steel targets. Again, these are to be fired at 100-yards only.
All firing must be done perpendicular to the firing line toward the berm. NO angled shots.
The only exception to target placement is for those people shooting primitive-type muzzle loaders, cap lock or flint lock, who know their arms trajectory. All rounds must impact the lower half of the dirt berm. These shooters may place targets between 25 and 100 yards. This is NOT for modern-type muzzle loaders. Modern muzzle loaders must follow the same rules as regular rifle shooters.
If you have any questions, email me at
Robert Gettleman
Chairman, RRPC Safety Committee
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