Rivanna Rifle 
            & Pistol Club, Inc.
  • 19 Nov 2017 11:37 AM | Deleted user

    Classes are on the last Saturday of the month from 9 AM-5 PM. 

    Contact Jerry Pownall at jdpownall@embarqmail.com for info.  

    You must reserve a place in this class.

  • 26 May 2014 12:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the May 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors, it was decided that the use of AR- and AK-type handguns would NOT be allowed on the Bullseye Pistol range. As always, no long guns of any sort are allowed on the Bullseye Pistol range during regular club use.  If you have any questions, please email safety@rrpc.org

  • 19 Feb 2014 10:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    During the most recent new member Orientation, a large amount of cardboard debris was noticed on the floor of the indoor range in the area of the yellow paint.  There are two problems with this finding, first, you are responsible for cleaning up the cardboard that is punched out of the target backer when you shoot.  Not cleaning up after yourself is a violation of club policy.  Second and equally if not more important is that no targets are to be over the yellow area on the floor.  All targets must be over the red paint on the floor.  Your continued use of the club facilities is contingent on your following the club's rules.  All Members and Associates are welcome to attend any of the monthly Orientation meetings if they feel in need of a refresher.
  • 17 Jan 2014 12:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Board of Directors voted at the December 2013 meeting to change the rules for the 300-yard Range. Before going down-range to place a paper target at the 300-yard berm you must obtain a cease-fire from the Plinking Range and the Pistol Range. After obtaining the cease-fires you must turn on the bell before going down-range. You no longer need to obtain cease-fires from the Rifle or APT Ranges
  • 17 Apr 2013 8:50 AM | Deleted user
    It has come to my attention that some members and associates at RRPC think that because of the lower range modernization project some rules have changed. This is NOT the case. The 100-yard rifle range rules have not changed either because of the new walls or the new benches.
    The fixed target holders at 25, 50 and 100 yards on the left side of the range are to be fired at ONLY from the benches directly in front of the target holders. The fixed target holders are to be fired at ONLY from the bench position, NO prone or standing shooting.
    The rest of the 100-yard rifle range remains a 100-yard rifle range {except as noted below in another post, with the addition of new 50 yard and 100 yard frames}. You may use paper or cardboard targets on your own holder or you may fire at caliber-appropriate, downward deflecting, commercially made steel targets. Again, these are to be fired at 100-yards only.
    All firing must be done perpendicular to the firing line toward the berm. NO angled shots.
    The only exception to target placement is for those people shooting primitive-type muzzle loaders, cap lock or flint lock, who know their arms trajectory. All rounds must impact the lower half of the dirt berm. These shooters may place targets between 25 and 100 yards. This is NOT for modern-type muzzle loaders. Modern muzzle loaders must follow the same rules as regular rifle shooters.
    If you have any questions, email me at safety@rrpc.org.
    Robert Gettleman
    Chairman, RRPC Safety Committee
  • 17 Apr 2013 8:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New target frames have been added to the 100 yard rifle range at 50 and 100 yards.  The BOD has modified the range rules to allow for 50yd frames.  The new frames utilize the currently existing PVC pipes in the ground and can be moved, or removed, as necessary.  The frames should not be removed from the rifle range.  These frames are for rifle shooting only, and primarily for bench rest shooting.  The frames have also been designed such that when shooting at 50 yards from either prone, sitting, kneeling or standing should have all impacts on the earthen backstop but shooters should verify this before firing from one of these positions.  All shooters should also assure that any rounds fired at a target on a 50yd frame does not impact a 100yd frame.  All targets should be hung near the center of the frames to limit the number of hits on the 2x2 wood that tend to destroy the frame. The frames are usable at either 50 yards or 100 yards.


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